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Monday, November 28, 2011


   Mika and Fen

            Walking in the side door, I am greeted by my dog Fen.  Not just a simple hello, but a crazy dancing dog that refuses to let me stop petting him.  I try to stop but he is running around in circles and dancing on his hind legs, anything to get my attention.   I walk over to Mika, our cat; and pet her, but my over-excited puppy keeps pushing me away from her like a jealous kid.   Muca, our old cat, is sitting on the heater grate over in the family room, I walk up to her to pet her head and say "hi".  All of a sudden Fen realized that there was affection being distributed in the home and he is not on the receiving end.  His way of settling this problem is to push Muca out of the way so that my hand will be on him and not her.  What a nutty dog, yet I have to admit I love every minute of his hellos when I get home. 
            Tonight we ate home-made chimichanga, with fresh cut vegetables, green onions, yellow sweet peppers and cucumber.

             Take flour tortilla and spread cream cheese down the middle of the shell, place the meat and bean mixture (leftovers from last night) down the middle on top of the cream cheese.  Fold both ends over about an inch.  Now roll the shell so that it is a closed cylinder. Place on a cookie sheet and put in a 400 F oven. Cook one side about 15 minutes and turn over and cook for another 15 min.  You will know that they are cooked enough if they shell is light golden brown.  Serve with sour cream, grated cheese, green onion, yellow sweet peppers, and cucumbers.  


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