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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Encore Chicken: Soup with Potatoes and Vegetables

Face Book is amazing.  The other day I got a friend request from someone who did not have a profile picture.  I did not know who the person was, so I did not accept it.  Sometimes life gives you second and third chances, and this person’s name popped up on my site once again to become her friend.  Curious, I dug a bit deeper into her site and found the picture I’d been looking for.  Wow, could it really be her?  I think at least twenty years have passed since we’ve seen each other.  Excitedly, I wrote a quick note to her know I was happy to see she found me.  This Face Book concept is fabulous for getting distant friendships reunited.  Today I have friends around the world, and I am not just a collector.  I’ve actually hugged almost every person who is my friend on FB.  I have fed many of them at my table, at one time or another.  Speaking of gracing my table, Ms. Chicken’s third and last dinner was up tonight.  Meal number one was tasty chicken wraps, number two chicken stuffed baked potato, and three is chicken soup.  Yum!  Always take advantage of your chicken bones and make soup.

            Encore Chicken:  Soup with Potatoes and Vegetables

            Take a chicken carcass that still has some of the meat on it and boil it in a pot for at least half an hour, if you have more time, your soup will taste even better.  Strain the bones from the broth and pick off any remaining meat by hand (so as to avoid getting bones in the soup), putting it back in the broth.  Add two bay leaves, two carrots cut into small pieces, two diced baked potatoes, two cut up stalks of American celery, one half cup of frozen peas, one half cup of frozen carrots, diced half a green pepper, two chicken bouillons, salt and pepper. Let soup simmer for at least a half an hour.  Add a cinnamon stick for only ten minutes then remove it from the pot.  Lastly, add one half teaspoon of tarragon, and a half cup of Parmesan cheese.  Eat this soup with toasted bread.  I actually cut mine into little pieces and dropped a couple at a time into my bowl. 

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