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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Spaghetti with a Chili Twist

My Grandfather Ebejer was born in Malta.  At the age of seven he set out for America, but was stymied at Ellis Island; the quota for his ethnic group was filled, and would not be open again until three years later.  So, off to Canada!  After three years in Canada, my grandpa finally was able to move to Detroit Michigan, the promised land!  My grandpa was a great cook; a couple of years before he died he sat down and typed out some of his recipes.  I made sure that my children, his third generation offspring, received a copy of this treasure.  I recall that whenever my family met at his house, the menu included spaghetti.  Grandpa told me cinnamon is the secret ingredient for any tomato sauce.  There are chemical reasons for this, as well as gastronomical combinations, but to me, it was grandpa’s insider knowledge.  Tonight’s spaghetti contains a new “secret” flavor, one which a good cook will recognize as an established insider secret when cooking authentic “Guadalajara style,” chili.  The faces around my table tonight proved the affinity between chili and spaghetti.

 Spaghetti with a Chili Twist

Brown 1 lb of burger in a large pot that can go in the oven.  Add: 1 lb Tomato Sauce, 14 ½ oz diced tomatoes, 3x 6 oz. tomato paste and 4 cups of water. Chop in food processor: 1 onion, 2 garlic cloves, 2 carrots and 1 green pepper; add to the sauce in the pot.  Add:  1 tablespoon Italian seasoning, 1 tablespoon of basil, 2 heaping tablespoons of brown sugar, 2 bay leaves, ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon, salt and pepper to taste.  Cook in a 350 oven for at least one hour. Stir in 1 bar (4 oz.) high quality dark chocolate. (Chocolate helps to blend the flavors together)


  1. I have to admit, I love chili and spaghetti as well. I don't think of them as the same food group, but there is some common basis in the tomato sauce. Good job!
