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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dorothy’s Cole Slaw

            The farmers market has gigantic heads of cabbage, big enough for many meals, yet the one I brought home just sits in the back of my refrigerator getting old.  Why?  Because I actually forgot it’s back there.  How in the world I could miss something bigger than bear’s head is beyond me, but I did.  I have to admit I am too lazy to make gołąbki (Polish stuffed cabbage), I don’t have any desire to make sauerkraut in my non-existent attic, and I really don’t like cabbage soup with kielbasa.  Brian usually munches on a piece here and there when he is hungry, but this time Big Head is forgotten behind jars of jam, pickles and a loaf of bread.  Tonight’s offering involves putting the calciferous giant to (palatable) culinary use.
            Dorothy’s Cole Slaw  
            Slice, dice, or chop about four cups of cabbage; into a big bowl.  In the food processor add:  one carrot, one quarter red onion, one clove of garlic, half a sweet pepper, quarter cup olive oil, three tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, three tablespoons of mayo, salt, pepper and sugar to taste.  Mix ingredients in processor until all vegetables are chopped small.  Add sauce to cabbage.  As usual, addition of more vegetables is good.


  1. great one again - I'll try to make it soon. I'm starting a list of American items I would love to have: 1. food processor (they are nastily expensive over here in EU...) 2. crock pot (I have to look around if they are anywhere in a store, or I will have to order over amazon...) 3. US measuring cups...

  2. To be honest, I most of the time do not use measuring cups. I rather eyeball my recipes. The only reason I am even trying to give measurements is so that you all can recreate my dishes. In the true spirit of my cooking blog, cook with what you have in your kitchen, improvise and have fun.
